51. Overload of the Negative

Rick Blaine, Humphrey Bogart’s tough skinned character from the movie Casablanca is both idealistic and deeply cynical. Rick lets no one close and expects life to end poorly, and yet he relinquishes what is most precious to him for the sake of others. He’s hard not to...

50. Embracing Pastoral Idealism

I’ve been called an idealist since I was a teenager, and the truth is, I’ve not outgrown it. My thinking these days is that we should not need to. In some ways it is the shelving of our pastoral ideals that has caused malaise for many of us.In this post I want to...

49. Ignorance Is Bliss. No, Really. It Is.

Welcome to Greatheart’s Table, a podcast for pastors and those who care for them. I hope you won’t mind a bit of shameless promotion. First, if you like this podcast, please subscribe. Better yet, subscribe to the podcast and then go to GreatheartsTable.com and...

48. Death and Life among Grizzlies

Hi! Welcome to Greatheart’s Table! I may be technically the ‘host’ of this podcast, I’m as much a participant as a producer. What you might hear me say is more likely than not to be what I myself need to hear. There really is a parity around this table. As pastors we...

47. The Pastor in Praye—SQUIRREL!

I’ve often wondered what the devotional lives of my spiritual mentors were really like. I realize they never would really talk about it. Perhaps they were reticent to parade their acts of piety before others, and I get that. But the result is that I am left to imagine...

46. The Peasants’ Revolt

Since this post is being released on July 4, I have the Beatles floating around in my head:“You say you want a revolution – we all want to change the world.” I want to give some thought to that. We do want to change the world. But if we are honest, we realize...

45. All We Have Is Time

This name “Greatheart’s Table” and the associated logo captures something important about ministry. The pulpit is important, but so is the table. I believe in preaching, but I also think we underestimate the ministry possibilities available to us...

44. Neurotics for the Kingdom of God

Welcome to Greatheart’s Table. I’m honored you would join me here. I remember reading about British pastor David Martyn Lloyd-Jones reading something like the complete works of John Owen while he was “on holiday” as they say. I certainly don’t spend my vacation time...

43. Playing the Game of Thrones

Recent days have been hard and have driven much conversation and introspection. Many are asking, as I do in this post, what is wrong, particularly what is wrong with the church. In my experience such considerations fail to take seriously Paul’s caution in 1...

42. The Inefficiency of God

I mentioned in an earlier episode that I’m no great theologian. In fact, even though my only published book is a book of theology, I would reserve the title ‘theologian’ for others with greater credentials and stature. However, in this post I’d like to posit an...