by rg7878 | Dec 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
Warmest greetings to all of you from Florida, where it really never feels much like the Xmases I remember growing up! Nevertheless, this post is scheduled to go live on Christmas morning, and so from me to you, may your Christmas be blessed with all that is good and...
by rg7878 | Dec 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
This episode is a sober one. When I addressed the reality of pastors exiting ministry a few episodes ago (episode 87), I sensed that my thoughts were incomplete. I felt that I needed to point churches in a direction that would help their pastors thrive instead of...
by rg7878 | Dec 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
With this episode we continue our nearly completed walk through the book Stott on the Christian Life, and the topic here is a dicey one: Mercy. Thanks for joining us around Greatheart’s Table. We encourage you to also subscribe to our newsletter where, on third...
by rg7878 | Nov 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
In America, Thanksgiving was a few days ago. I hope it was a good day for you. I’m glad for at least one day in the year when my grumbly spirit is forced to be put on the shelf so I can practice some acts of gratitude. It would good if it happened more frequently. To...
by rg7878 | Nov 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
Hi! I’m Randy Greenwald. Welcome to Greatheart’s Table. If you’re new around here, I recommend that you dive back into the archives and listen to episode #67. That’ll give you an idea about who I am and what we are all about here. Part of what we are about is to...
by rg7878 | Nov 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
The line, “A priest and a pastor get pulled over for speeding . . .” sounds like it might be the start of a really bad joke. In truth, it happened to me and my friend Father David, once, and I still chuckle at the memory. In this episode, I want to continue thinking...
by rg7878 | Oct 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
Welcome to Greatheart’s table. Pull up a chair as we continue to navigate our way through a study of the life and ministry of John Stott, not that we might BE John Stott, but that we might grow in our love for the church and ministry through him. I have realized...
by rg7878 | Oct 9, 2023 | Uncategorized
I’ve been blessed. Throughout my life I’ve had friends. If you will forgive the Lord of the Rings reference, Frodo would never have succeeded in his quest without Sam and I certainly would not have succeeded in mine without the friends I’ve had along the way. There is...
by rg7878 | Oct 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
In listening to this, you are one of a countless multitude. Or countless trickle. All I know is that you are countless. I have no way of knowing who or how many you are. Nevertheless, it would be a great help and an encouragement if you would leave a rating or review...
by rg7878 | Sep 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
I’m Randy Greenwald, the host of Greatheart’s Table! Pull up a seat and join us! We’re glad you are here. There is lots of room here. We don’t ask that we all agree on all things. In fact, we probably don’t. Around the edges we might disagree mightily. But that’s...