by rg7878 | Jul 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
Recently I sat around a table with other pastors sharing stories about funerals and weddings that did not quite go as planned. It was wonderfully therapeutic. These other pastors are gifted people with vibrant ministries whose labors sometimes went awry. We laughed,...
by rg7878 | Jul 12, 2021 | Uncategorized
Hi. Welcome to mid-July at Greatheart’s Table. As you know I’ve promised to keep our time together short each week. Each newsletter post of 800 words translates into about 6-8 minutes on audio. I don’t want to consume too much of your time. Nevertheless, should you...
by rg7878 | Jul 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
Thanks for the encouraging words many of you have sent my way. I write with pastors in view – so if you know any who might benefit from joining us here, do let them know. But I am discovering that many of you who have found the content thus far helpful are not...
by rg7878 | Jun 28, 2021 | Uncategorized
Thanks for listening to Greatheart’s Table. For reasons this post will explain I don’t know how many of you there are out there, but I’m grateful for all of you, or perhaps both of you, as the case may be. In this post, I’m thinking about our motivation for ministry....
by rg7878 | Jun 14, 2021 | Uncategorized
Hi! Welcome to Greatheart’s Table. A friend recently stopped by a donut shop in Michigan whose slogan is “Donuts: We made them taste good; you made them famous. I want to adopt that idea. I do what I can to make these posts taste good. If you agree, then I need you to...