66. Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

As kids we were asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Fire fighter may over time morph into teacher or engineer, or quarterback or president for the more ambitious. Few probably say “pastor,” but look at you now! Here you are, and for the pastor I think...

Third Monday? Oh My!

Welcome to Greatheart’s Table Third Monday Edition. To check out the inaugural Third Monday post, you can go here. You will find links to subscribe at that site. You can help support this podcast by dropping a few coins in our tip jar. Thanks! Podcast music provided...

65. Mick Jagger v. God

In these short episodes I sometimes touch upon things that are worthy of much longer and deeper discussions. My self-imposed seven minute time limit doesn’t allow for consideration of a subject’s deeper implications or nuanced application. That is especially true in...

64. Cumbered with a Load of Control

When I was a young seminary student with no money and two children, I developed a pain the source of which eluded a couple of doctors until one asked me a question, “Have you been under any stress recently?” I nearly laughed in his face with the absurdity of the...

63. Pastoring Is Boring

Perhaps I’m an old, Scroogish, curmudgeon, but though I enjoy Christmas, I’m always rather happy when it’s in the rear view mirror. It’s not just the extra work of extra services or the added stress of gifts and gatherings that gets to me. I think it’s the chaotic...