82. Spirit Haunted

Hi! Welcome! I’m Randy Greenwald, the host of Greatheart’s Table. Thanks for dropping by! We have been occasionally considering the various issues addressed in Tim Chester’s book Stott on the Christian Life. Stott is one of my ministry heroes, and Chester’s book digs...

81. Ministry Is not Safe. But It’s Good

Hello, again! Thanks for joining us around Greatheart’s Table. If you’re new – and many of you are – I welcome you. If you find something of worth here, please invite others to join in. Rate this on your podcast platform and leave a review. It’s all...

80. Flippin’ Mad

The tone of this episode is a bit darker than ordinary, and the length a tad longer. A line from the Bee Gees’ song “Words” keeps bouncing around in my head. “This world has lost its glory, let’s start a brand new story.” The reputation of pastors has lost its glory,...

79. Doing Surgery with a Table Knife

As many of you know, I’ve been riffing on the pastoral themes arising from a study of the life and ministry of the Twentieth Century London pastor John Stott. Continuing that, then, in this episode we consider the matter of change. It was early in my ministry when I...

78. NOT another Tim Keller Tribute78.

Of all the podcasts, in all the streaming services, in all the world, you’ve walked into mine. And I’m grateful! The words “Play it again, Sam” are often quoted from, but are actually never spoken in, the movie Casablanca. But that is what I’ve been doing for several...