10. Pastor Puddleglum

Thanks for the encouraging words many of you have sent my way. I write with pastors in view – so if you know any who might benefit from joining us here, do let them know. But I am discovering that many of you who have found the content thus far helpful are not...

9. The Eyes of the Chooser

Thanks for listening to Greatheart’s Table. For reasons this post will explain I don’t know how many of you there are out there, but I’m grateful for all of you, or perhaps both of you, as the case may be. In this post, I’m thinking about our motivation for ministry....

8. A Quiet Place, Part II

Hi! Welcome to Greatheart’s Table. A friend recently stopped by a donut shop in Michigan whose slogan is “Donuts: We made them taste good; you made them famous. I want to adopt that idea. I do what I can to make these posts taste good. If you agree, then I need you to...

7. A Quiet Place

Hi! Welcome to Greatheart’s Table. If you have not joined us before, I encourage you to read or listen to the first post which explains what Greatheart’s Table is all about. I hope this to be an encouragement to pastors, and to those who care for them, and to any...

6. Don’t Panic

Welcome to Greatheart’s Table. There is a lot of conversation about pastors being in crisis. It certainly can feel like a crisis moment, and I understand the panic some feel. But perhaps that is a bit premature. Perhaps we need some perspective. I’d love to hear your...

5. The Nobility of Office

Thanks for joining us at Greatheart’s Table. Since my plan is to publish on the first, second, and fourth Monday of the month, there will (probably!) be no installment released on May 17. I say “probably” because I’ve enjoyed doing this and could see myself just...