27. The Visionary

Mike Cosper’s Christianity Today podcast, “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” has been both fascinating and troubling. One of the themes of the podcast is the corrosive impact of the American love affair with growth. Size validates everything and covers a multitude of...

26. Groupies vs. Mentees

Thanks for checking in here at Greatheart’s Table. One of the things that I love about the metaphor of a ‘table’ is the way it suggests conversation. Obviously, direct and immediate conversation cannot happen, but I’m very interested in your responses, your questions,...

25. Run, Pastor, Run

One of the goals we have here is to take pressure off pastors to perform. We want pastors to feel free to love their people and use the gifts they have for God and his kingdom without the unrealistic expectations that have encrusted ministry and made it impossible for...

24. Futility Is Resistible

I have spent the past several episodes talking about staying and leaving ministry and I wasn’t going to say anymore. But given my own experience of futility, joined with the publication of a couple of intriguing essays in The Atlantic, I wanted to make sure that I had...

23. Pack It Up and Tear It Down

Hi! Thanks for once again pulling up a chair to Greatheart’s Table. I can’t see you, but knowing you are out there is a wonderful encouragement. I’ve been addressing questions touching upon longevity in pastoral ministry. If you’d care to comment and add your voice to...