16 [Reset]. The Playful Pastor

This episode is a reset of one which originally aired in September of 2021. That was a heavy time, and this, a consideration of pastoral playfulness, seemed particularly necessary. That necessity, sadly, remains. There is so much that can weigh us down, that we forget...

127. Malachi’s People

I mentioned in a previous Third Monday post my intention of now and then spending some time reflecting on the insights into pastoral ministry from the unlikely source of 2 Chronicles. I want to ease into that by considering the spirit and tone of the whole book and...

126. Of Dreamers and Cynics

Hello. I’m Randy Greenwald. Welcome to Greatheart’s Table. Imagine John Lennon as a pastor. It’s easy, if you try. Okay, maybe it’s not that easy. But it’s easy to imagine the song he might have written had he been a pastor: You may say that I’m a cynic,but I’m not...

26 [Reset]. Of Groupies and Mentees

If you’re new, head back to episode 67 to find what’s up here. That episode is titled “Mr. Greatheart and his Metaphorical Table.” In short, our desire is to encourage pastors. But we find that the net that is cast is much broader, and that many others in ministry, as...

125. Dour Scotsmen and the Courage to Speak

I write to encourage pastors, particularly those weary or beaten down, those needing to be reminded of the value of what they do regardless of the unrelenting expectations of modern church culture.  As pastors we fill a prophetic role. What to speak, how to speak...

124. The Back of the Pack

Those feelings of doubt and disorientation which we’ve come to know by the name of “imposter syndrome” are not the exclusive experience of one profession or activity. But they’re well known to pastors. Pastors of small or struggling congregations may feel these things...

15 [Reset]. Smells Like Groupie Spirit

Once each month or so I re-post previous installments. This one was first released in August of 2021. Consequently, some of the issues referenced may seem old to us now. I’ve left those unedited, however, if only to show how quickly the issues on which pastors, or...

123. Hello, God. It’s Me, Randy.

I don’t need to tell you that I’m not Tim Keller or Beth Moore or John Owen or any other Christian celebrity living or dead. I don’t need to tell you, and I don’t need to tell God, but I do need to remind myself of this now and then. We all enter ministry and engage...

RDC 2. Pastoral Sustainability

“Rainy Day Conversation around Greatheart’s Table” are audio interviews that I have with men and women who have insight on topics of concern to the Greatheart’s Table community. For this conversation I’ve invited two men with a great deal of pastoral experience (60+...

122. Winning, Losing, and the Little Town of Bethlehem

Merry Christmas, everyone! Welcome to Greatheart’s Table. I’m Randy Greenwald, one wearied by the ubiquitous Christmas playlists found in stores and coffee shops this time of year. I can only stand so much rockin’ around the Christmas tree. On the other hand, were I...