by rg7878 | Oct 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
In listening to this, you are one of a countless multitude. Or countless trickle. All I know is that you are countless. I have no way of knowing who or how many you are. Nevertheless, it would be a great help and an encouragement if you would leave a rating or review...
by rg7878 | Sep 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
I’m Randy Greenwald, the host of Greatheart’s Table! Pull up a seat and join us! We’re glad you are here. There is lots of room here. We don’t ask that we all agree on all things. In fact, we probably don’t. Around the edges we might disagree mightily. But that’s...
by rg7878 | Sep 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
Hello! I’m Randy Greenwald. Thanks for joining us here around Greatheart’s Table. If you find what we do here helpful, would you take a moment and review and/or rate the podcast? And pass the word on to others. Word of mouth is really the only means by which those who...
by rg7878 | Sep 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Greatheart’s Table. I have recently received some encouraging words from some of you, which is very meaningful as I trudge along over here. Some of you have had to walk through the flames and others through the valley, and to know that my...
by rg7878 | Aug 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
Hi, there. It’s kind of you to stop by Greatheart’s Table. If you are new, know that Greatheart’s Table is published on the first, second, and fourth Mondays of each month, both in print and audio. On the third Monday a more newsy edition is published in print only....