124. The Back of the Pack

Those feelings of doubt and disorientation which we’ve come to know by the name of “imposter syndrome” are not the exclusive experience of one profession or activity. But they’re well known to pastors. Pastors of small or struggling congregations may feel these things...

15 [Reset]. Smells Like Groupie Spirit

Once each month or so I re-post previous installments. This one was first released in August of 2021. Consequently, some of the issues referenced may seem old to us now. I’ve left those unedited, however, if only to show how quickly the issues on which pastors, or...

123. Hello, God. It’s Me, Randy.

I don’t need to tell you that I’m not Tim Keller or Beth Moore or John Owen or any other Christian celebrity living or dead. I don’t need to tell you, and I don’t need to tell God, but I do need to remind myself of this now and then. We all enter ministry and engage...