116. Every Pastor Must Get Stoned

Hello, everyone. Welcome once again to Greatheart’s Table, the podcast for pastors and those who care for them. This one has a provocative title, to say the least, one which is disconcerting no matter how you read it. I am using this week’s space to explain and to...

115. The Hard-Working Farmer

With this episode we doing something different. We are going to hear from someone else around the table. For quite a while I’ve appreciated the writing of Adam Tisdale as he has urged me with his newsletter he calls “Double the Joy” to be more grateful for the small...

114. On Marriages, Transmissions, and Bicycle Races

Thanks for joining us here at Greatheart’s Table, the podcast for pastors and those who need therapists. Well, that’s not exactly the tag line we normally use, but we’ve been touching on a common thread over the past several episodes that could make it plausible. I’ve...

113. The Clinical Psychologist Next Door

If you are new to Greatheart’s Table, I suggest you dial back to listen to episode #67 titled “Mr. Greatheart and This Metaphorical Table.” That will explain what we are trying to do here, and where the title comes from. I post a new episode three Mondays of each...

11 [Reset]. On Being Predictable and Consistent

Although I write Greatheart’s Table with pastors in mind, the content is often widely applicable. Perhaps I should promote this as being “for pastors and those who have pastors.” In the case of this episode, a reset of one first released on July 12, 2021, the thought...