113. The Clinical Psychologist Next Door

If you are new to Greatheart’s Table, I suggest you dial back to listen to episode #67 titled “Mr. Greatheart and This Metaphorical Table.” That will explain what we are trying to do here, and where the title comes from. I post a new episode three Mondays of each...

11 [Reset]. On Being Predictable and Consistent

Although I write Greatheart’s Table with pastors in mind, the content is often widely applicable. Perhaps I should promote this as being “for pastors and those who have pastors.” In the case of this episode, a reset of one first released on July 12, 2021, the thought...

112. Truth in Strange and Unexpected Places

One of our goals here around Greatheart’s Table, insidious to some, simply subversive to others, is to broaden the way pastors think. It’s good for our thoughts to be seeded now and then with outside ways of looking at the world. That can be frightening at times, of...