With this episode I begin a series of four which in one way or another considers the relationship between pastoral ministry and clinical counseling. In so doing I wade into water some might call hot. I know that what I will suggest will not be shared by others. Still, there are things here that I’d like us to at least think about. That’s what people do around a table – we share ideas.

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Notes and resources relevant to this episode:

Andrew Solomon, The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression, (United States: Scribner, 2015), p. 111.

A concern for another day is to address the opposite problem: pastors passing off the regular pastoral responsibility of being compassionate listeners and offering attentive presence.

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Podcast music provided by Cool Hand Luke and used with permission.
Intro: “Holy Vanguard” / Lyrics
Outro: “Wonder Tour” / Lyrics / Video

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