As most know, I’ve been re-recording and re-airing the earliest Greatheart’s Table episodes. This spate of “early summer” reruns is allowing me to catch up on life. I hope these have felt fresh to you. They have to me.

This one encourages us to assess what we do not from the concepts of success or size, but from an element of its essential character – its nobility. I hope this encourages you.

I will return to airing new content next week, hopefully. As I do please considering reviewing Greatheart’s Table wherever you receive it. And if you can, become a patron or a subscriber to the newsletter. The links are below. The major expense for Greatheart’s Table comes from the podcast side, so if you are able, I’d appreciate your support.

Thanks, and as always, I’m glad you’ve joined us.

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Notes and resources relevant to this episode:
It’s notable that only 39% of the American public believe clergy to be honest and ethical. That is the environment in which we do our ministry.

Scripture is from 1 Timothy 3:1

Podcast music provided by Over the Rhine, and used with permission.
Intro: “All My Favorite People” / Lyrics
Outro: “Called Home” / Lyrics

To find our more about Greatheart’s Table, visit us here.