For a short time I am re-recording and re-releasing the earliest content of Greatheart’s Table. For an explanation of ‘why’ you can read the May Third Monday post at the Greatheart’s Table Substack or Patreon page. The links are below.

As I reread this episode on the expectation that pastors “run” a church, I wondered if this is why in some cases churches take on an undesirable corporate feel. It is certainly one reason pastors burnout, trying to do something they must, but for which they feel ill-equipped.

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Notes and resources relevant to this episode:

That I see a therapist may unsettle your opinion of me from the outset. I hope it doesn’t. I’ll let it stand here simply as evidence of my own brokenness. It may, however, have something significant to say about the pastoral office itself. We’ll explore that later.

Eugene Peterson, The Contemplative Pastor (United States: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1989), p. 59.

Podcast music provided by Over the Rhine, and used with permission.
Intro: “All My Favorite People” / Lyrics
Outro: “Called Home” / Lyrics

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