Welcome to Greatheart’s Table.

My name is Randy Greenwald, and I’m a fool. Or at least I hope I am. And if that seems to be a weird aspiration, I hope you listen to this episode, with it’s nod to one William Shakespeare. I hope you find wisdom in the consideration of the fool.

I also hope you will become a patron. Next week is a third monday, and though there will be no new episode posted here, there will be an update posted at the Greatheart’s Table Patreon page. I hope you can get over there, become a patron, and help support this work.

There are some new initiatives afoot that I’d like all to be a part of. I think they are good. But they may be foolish. I’ll let you be the judge.

As always, thanks for joining us around Greatheart’s Table.

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Notes and resources relevant to this episode:

Quotes from Dogberry are from William Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing, 5.1

There is little more joyful than to see this play performed live in small venues. Absent that, it can be enjoyed on screen through renditions produced by Kenneth Branagh or by Joss Whedon. Either is worth the time.

Podcast music provided by Over the Rhine, and used with permission.
Intro: “All My Favorite People” / Lyrics
Outro: “Called Home” / Lyrics

To find our more about Greatheart’s Table, visit us here.