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There have always been pastors with broad impact and what we might now call significant platforms. To learn from those gifted and in places of prominence is the way things are supposed to be. But to acquiesce automatically to what they say is more akin to what I call “Groupie Spirit,” and it kind of stinks.


Notes and resources relevant to this episode:

Behind the name Jesse is a real person and a real experience. However, for several reasons, I’ve chosen to use a pseudonym. The character represents a number of courageous people I have known, as well as an ideal to which I aspire.

Presbyterian churches are organized into regional bodies called “presbyteries” which meet periodically to set policy on matters affecting them all.

When my wife, my copy editor, read this she wrote in the margin, “I have no idea what you are saying here.” The idea of the enneagram had not yet cracked her world. If it has not cracked yours, that’s okay. You can just go on labeling people with their Myers-Briggs letters.

The scripture quoted is from 1 Corinthians 1:11, 12.

Podcast music provided by Over the Rhine, and used with permission.
Intro: “All My Favorite People” / Lyrics
Outro: “Called Home” / Lyrics

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